2.21 – The Price of Magick

Morgana met with what would become her first real mentor in a sun-kissed flower field, sheltered and guarded from prying eyes by the ring of trees that grew around the sanctuary. The two witches stood facing each other, one expectantly, the other hesitant. A doubtful expression played in Morgana’s eyes. The young witch was nervous. And she couldn’t hide it. Maybe it had something to do with where she was, or perhaps it was because she was finally with her own people – but ever since the dance at the festival, Morgana had been unable to slip back into her poker-faced mask.

And, even more strangely… she found that she didn’t want to.

Monoroe looked almost giddy with excitement. She nodded at Morgana, an eager, confident grin playing on her face as she placed her hands on her hips.
“All right! Let’s see what you’ve got, kid. Are you ready?”
“Yes. I think so,” Morgana nodded.
“Good! Let’s start easy. I want you to make the grass around me grow. Can you do that?”

“I’ll try.”
Morgana closed her eyes, withdrawing into herself and focusing on her surroundings. This was something that she had done many times as a child, out in the woods, together with Merlin. She knew how to do it. She knew that she didn’t have to see in order to feel the life that flowed around her. The flowers that grew at her feet. The trees stretching out high above her head, reaching for the sky. The grass, swaying gently in the morning wind. Morgana focused, instinctively reaching out to the different life forms around her-

And she was abruptly yanked out of her trance by Monoroe pulling on her arm. Hard. Hard enough to break her concentration on the spell, bringing Morgana back to herself as she heard Monoroe yell:
“Whoah- stop! Stop! What are you doing?!”

Morgana blinked in confusion at the witch’s sudden panic. In a small voice, she replied:
“…Casting magic?”

“Don’t do it like that!” Monoroe replied. “You’ll pass out on me in seconds!”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t mind that right now – are you all right? Are you feeling woozy? Here, sit down before your legs give out on you and… wait…”

This time, it was the witch’s turn to blink in confusion. Baffled, Monoroe looked at the young woman in front of her.
“…You… you’re not tired? Not even a little?”
“No. I feel fine.”
“You just released enough magick to make the average person faint from exhaustion. You must possess a very deep well of power not to notice a difference like that.”
“Well of power? What do you mean?” Morgana asked, tilting her head quizzically at the words. The expression on Monoroe’s face instantly shifted from confusion to dread as the witch realized what was going on.
“…You’ve never even learned the basics, have you? Sweet Goddess, how are you still alive?”

“You can’t be forceful like that,” she continued, frowning at Morgana. “Casting any kind of magick properly requires finesse. Delicacy. You can’t flood yourself with energy, or you’ll end up breaking your own body. Do you do that every time you cast?”
“I don’t do it on purpose,” Morgana muttered, deflated. “It just… happens.”

Monoroe shook her head at the girl in front of her. She placed a single hand on her hip, frowning as she began to explain the first of many lessons.
“You’re releasing way too much magick. Compare it to this. What you are doing is the equivalent of using a waterfall to fill a wine glass, while hoping that the glass doesn’t break. You are that glass. Every time you flood yourself with magick, you’re placing a ridiculous amount of stress on your body. It’s a miracle that you haven’t seriously injured yourself already.”

“I… I didn’t know that,” Morgana muttered softly, placing her hands over her heart as the memory came back to her. The gesture was not lost on Monoroe.

“You did, didn’t you? So that is what we felt when you joined us in the circle. Whoever taught you magick deserves a firm smack on the head. This is the most basic of lessons. They should have taught you proper control before anything else.”

“She… didn’t really teach me.”
“Her name was Millicent,” the budding witch said, scratching the back of her head. “She explained a lot of things to me when I was small, but… other than healing magic and calming down when my emotions got the better of me… she never wanted to teach me. Not how to cast.”
“Why not?” Monoroe said, her frown visibly deepening. Morgana shrugged.
“She said that it was too dangerous for me to learn. I had to figure it out on my own. It took a very long time. Sometimes, Merlin managed to sneak away and practice with me in secret. We made a tree grow. But he didn’t really know what he was doing, either. Not back then.”
“Are you saying that you taught yourself how to cast?”
“I… I suppose so,” Morgana nodded, unsure of herself. “I still don’t really know what I’m doing, honestly. I’ve never had an actual teacher. Mostly it’s… well-”

“Instinct?” Monoroe replied, finishing her sentence. Morgana nodded in affirmation.
“Well, I’ll be damned. Looks like Morgause was right. You have a natural affinity for it.”
Her eyes softened as a smile spread across her lips. The witch took a step towards Morgana, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Her fingers felt surprisingly rough. But when she spoke, Monoroe’s voice was warm and gentle.
“Don’t worry, kid. You’re in good hands. I promise.”

Morgana instantly found herself relaxing at the sound of her voice. It took the budding witch a few moments to figure out why. Then she realized. Just like Morgause and Lincoln, Monoroe’s presence made her feel safe. Calm. Welcome.


“Glitonea is a skilled healer, and Tyronoe has a ridiculously large well of magick, too. When you’re ready, they’ll know how to help you.”

“In the meantime… How about this? I’ll teach you the basics. Let’s make sure that you don’t kill yourself next time you try to cast something big.”

Back in Scarborough, Arthur and Guinevere were in the middle of enjoying their second town tour.

Or at least, Arthur was. The Crown Prince had suggested that they visit the town walls next, and was pleased to see that Scarborough gave a magnificent view from its ramparts, too. Both of the city itself and of the vast, blue ocean behind it.

But as the day progressed, the maidservant had steadily begun to grow silent. By early afternoon, she barely responded to Arthur as the Crown Prince fruitlessly tried to make small-talk. Her eyes were cloudy and troubled. Arthur could tell that her mind was miles away, silently pondering and hesitating over something that had nothing to do with the magnificent view.
He couldn’t leave it alone. The Crown Prince sighed.
“Cordelia, what’s wrong?”

“Ah… nothing, milord,” she muttered. But Arthur refused to take that for an answer. He raised a single eyebrow at her.

“That is twice now that you’ve slipped up with our names.”
“I’m sorry, mi- Trevor.”
“No, that’s not what I mean,” the Crown Prince replied. “I’m not trying to scold you. But something is obviously troubling you. What’s wrong? Have I offended you in some way?”
“N-no, of course not!”
“Then what is it?” Arthur pushed. “You can talk to me.”
“Ah… well… it’s…”

Guinevere sighed, breaking eye contact with the Crown Prince as she looked down at the streets below.
“I… I have somewhere I’d like to visit, milord.”
“We can go wherever you like. We have at least another week before we’re due to return. Where do you want to go?”

The maidservant slowly exhaled. In a small voice, she said:
“…The town graveyard, milord.”
Arthur had not expected that answer. He blinked, looking at Guinevere in silence as he could see the girl struggling with herself. Searching for the right words. Her hands folded in front of her lap, neatly, as they always did whenever Guinevere was struggling to speak up. By now, the Crown Prince knew her tells pretty well. He knew that she needed time to verbalize what was on her mind.
So, he waited. And his patience paid off a few seconds later.
“I don’t think that I will ever come back here again. So, before we leave… I’d like to pay my respects to my mother.”

Oh, no.

Arthur suddenly found himself at a loss for words. He could feel a heavy weight begin to press down on his stomach. She doesn’t realize, he thought. Of course she doesn’t. She’s just thinking about her mother.
But he couldn’t stay silent. Not this time. Guinevere’s naivety was going to end up hurting her. He couldn’t allow that. And so the Crown Prince spoke out, very carefully weighing his words as he did so.

“Cordelia, if your mother was tried as a witch-”
“She was not a-a witch.”
“And I believe you. But if the town thought that she was… then it would be no use to go to the graveyard.”
“Why not?”
The Crown Prince blinked. He had not expected that question.
“Because they would have… done what happens when they sentence a magic-user to death. They would have thought her to be… a corrupted soul. A witch. There wouldn’t be anything left to pay respects to.”

Guinevere turned away from Arthur, facing the distant blue sky. Arthur had expected anger in response to his words. But when the maidservant spoke, her voice was surprisingly mournful.
“Even witches get buried, milord. They’re… they’re still people.”

The Crown Prince bowed his head, allowing the conversation to end there. But as Arthur followed Guinevere down, those words echoed in his mind.

Still people.

No… that felt wrong. In the back of his mind, Arthur could hear the voices of other people – stronger ones, drowning out the maidservant’s gentle compassion. Arthur recounted the horror stories, the cautionary tales of the devastating effects of magic. The curses. The monsters that prowled the woods at night. The executions.
Their winter of starvation.

Still people.

To Arthur, the word witch was so strongly tied to everything that he had been taught to fear, that he could not see the two separately. He could not see the difference.

Are they?
Are they really?


No, they’re not.

Something that powerful…

… isn’t human.

It did not take the two of them long to find their way to the town church. Scarborough was a large town, taking pride in its colourful citizens and wealthy merchants. The graveyard lay in the shadow of its church. It was a Peteran building that was neither imposing nor intimidating in the way that Camelot’s church was. Scarborough’s graveyard began at the side of that building, stretching around the back and extending almost all the way to the rocky shore.
Most of that graveyard was well-maintained. The gravestones were lovingly kept and tended to by both the Peteran priests and the family members of the deceased.

But not all places received that same loving care.
For not all deaths in the town were honourable.

Arthur frowned, reaching out for Guinevere when he saw the maidservant freeze and hesitate to enter.
But she cut him off.
“A-actually, milord… would you mind waiting outside for me? I… need to do this by myself.”

“Of course. I’ll be right here.”

She opened the gate, turning back towards him as the maidservant stepped through.
“Thank you.”

Arthur stayed behind, watching over her in silence as the began to trail from stone to stone. They would be here for a while. A frown spread across his brow. Her previous thoughts returned, mulling through the back of his mind and darkening his mood as he watched Guinevere.

The Crown Prince had never even thought about it before. But now that it was staring him in the face, Arthur couldn’t help but wonder.

What did Camelot do with its witches after they burned?
The Crown Prince had no idea. The realization made him deeply uncomfortable.

Do we bury them?

Where would they even be buried? They won’t be with our citizens. They can’t be placed together with honourable people. Witches and sorcerers are corrupt. Tainted. An insult to everyone who is buried honourably. Their remains would haunt anyone nearby in the afterlife.

After all… they are wickedness incarnate, aren’t they? All of them, tainted and corrupted as soon as they start using magic. Even Emrys. Deep down, they’re monsters.

Do monsters deserve to be buried?

The Crown Prince was pulled out of his rapidly darkening thoughts by the voice of Guinevere, ringing out from the other side of the gate. Arthur had been so deeply lost in thought that he only caught the tail end of her sentence.
“What?” he asked, quickly shaking his head to come back to reality. Arthur focused on the girl in front of him.

And the Crown Prince immediately noticed the change. Guinevere had turned around to look at him. That cloudy, distant, mournful gaze had vanished, making way for an almost panicked confusion. Her hands were clasped around the fabric of her dress, her knuckles having turned white. When she spoke, Guinevere’s voice was riddled with worry… together with an ominous, underlying sense of dread.
“M-my mother’s grave.”

“It’s not here.”

The budding witch stood half-hidden behind the standing stones, not wanting to be noticed and making her presence as small as possible. Morgana silently watched the woman in front of her. She couldn’t place her finger on it, but…

Something about this woman felt familiar.

A shadow of a frown crept up on her face as she focused on Tyonoe’s features.

Her eyes kept returning to her scars. The woman was riddled with them, her fair skin marred and mangled by gashes that were way too large to have been normal cuts. As she moved, Morgana could see other scars. Beneath her collar bone. On her wrists. At the base of her neck, vanishing underneath her clothing. She could even see a few on her legs, carefully hidden from sight by the multi-layered tunic.

Morgana was taken out of her observations by the sound of footsteps.
“You’re curious, aren’t you?”

The budding witch looked to her right. Glitonea, the fourth member of her coven, had approached her from behind. Morgana could feel a red blush creep up on her cheeks. She quickly looked away, embarrassed at being caught.
“I- I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry.”

But the witch merely smiled at her.
“It’s all right, love. You’re one of us now. You’ve earned the right to know.”

That smile quickly faded away, replaced by a mix of pain and regret.
“It is not a happy tale. If I tell you, I have to ask that you do not bring it up around her. She is trying to forget.”
“I won’t. You have my word.”
Glitonea nodded, accepting her promise. In a soft voice, the witch began to speak.

“Tyronoe has been in this sanctuary for a very long time. Probably the longest out of all of us. She used to be one of the town healers, hiding under the title of alchemist and curing Scarborough of their sick whenever she could.”

“One day, the major’s son fell very ill. His disease was a dark one, and Tyronoe’s magick was not powerful enough to stop the boy from dying. After his death, his family became convinced that she had poisoned the child out of spite. They took away her position as village alchemist. Then, when the harvest failed, they became convinced that she had destroyed it.”
“Because they were afraid. And it is very easy to turn against the source of your fear. They arrested her on charges of witchcraft. She never received a fair trial. In exchange for her years of kindness, the town sentenced Tyronoe to burn to death on the pyre.”

“Tyronoe had always had a special affinity to fire. On the night before her burning, a Sidhe came to her, speaking to her through the flames on the torches in her cell. She begged it to save her, and it ended up offering her a deal. Tyronoe accepted. That night, she became permanently immune to fire. The heat cannot harm her. Tyronoe can walk through raging wildfires and feel nothing.”
“That is incredible!” Morgana gasped. Then she realized, and her frown instantly returned.
“Wait, but if it saved her from the flames, then…”
“Then why does she still look like that?” Glitonea spoke, finishing her sentence for her. Morgana gave a short nod and watched as the witch’s eyes hardened.

“Because Sidhe can be incredibly cruel when they want to be. It kept its word, yes. They cannot break any promise. It did save her from the flames.”

“But it did not save her from the pyre. Nor did it rescue her from the wrath of the townsfolk, when they realized that they had discovered a witch that would not burn.”

“Have you never noticed? Human beings hate what they fear. And more than anything, they fear what they do not understand.”

“That is horrible,” Morgana muttered. “She was just trying to help. Why did nobody help her? Why didn’t they speak out? Why do they always… why do we always-”




The woman next to her bowed her head.
“It is what our people have come to expect. Throughout the years, our help has always been misunderstood, and our kindness has always been rewarded with pain and suffering.”

“Magick always comes with a price,” the witch whispered, her eyes downcast. “We all must pay it. The larger the gift, the bigger the cost. And for the gift of magick itself…”

“We pay the biggest price of all.”

17 thoughts on “2.21 – The Price of Magick

  1. I’m so glad you included this chapter. ❤

    So, firstly, Nimueh has Morgana’s ‘corruption’ and that’s why her poker-faced mask has slipped. I wonder if she’ll ever get it back. She’ll be in a dangerous place back in her world without it. If she goes back. Doesn’t bear thinking about.

    Thank you Monoroe and your beautiful, differently coloured eyes for teaching Morgana not to kill herself with magick. I get that Millicent probably thought she was protecting Morgana by not teaching how to cast in a world that despised her very being, but still. A waterfall filling a wine glass? Ouch.

    The scenes with Arthur and Guinevere were unsettling. I like how sweet he is to her but then his internal struggles with the reality of witches were dark, although I do understand them. I do wonder how he would have responded to her statement that her mother’s grave wasn’t there, given where his head was at in that moment; would he have been so soft and kind? Blunt? Said nothing? Also, did I spot a vampire grave?

    Tyronoe is Guinevere’s mother, surely (big tick in my notebook, pat on the back. Don’t look at all my doodles and the theories in there that I got wrong, ta). Looks like she paid a heavy price for her magick and subsequent salvation from the flames; I wonder if they’ll ever be reunited. I also wonder if Guin harbours any magickal abilities? Is Arthur surrounded by witches? 😁😲

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In hindsight, I’m glad I ended up including it, too ❤

      She definitely needs her pokerface when she returns to Camelot. If she returns to Camelot. Speaking of which…

      Who knows what Millicent was thinking? Of course, whether not teaching her at all was a good decision remains to be seen. I was stuck on what would be a decent comparison for a while. Turns out that being battered by a waterfall is pretty painful! So I went with that.

      What vampire grave? All I see is a post-mortem bat enthusiast. =D Arthur is in a pretty bad headspace when it comes to magick. The result of being brought up under a King that has a bloody vendetta against it. He really tries, but he’s being pulled in multiple directions with everything he faces.

      Yay! You deserve that pat on the back ^^ I won’t look at the wrong theories, but I’m now really curious about what kind of doodles you’ve made in there.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh, so Tyronoe is Gwen’s mother. That’s so sad, they are so close to each other but will liely never reunite – there’s no way Gwen will share the take with Morgana as well, or that Morgana will tell Gwen about any of this. Too much shame and secrets. Though I wonder if Morgana will even rejoin Arthur and Gwen now. Why would she? There’s nothing left for her in Camelot, nothing but the prospect of marrying Richard, how could she go back to that when she knows she could just be with her own?

    Arthur’s indoctrination runs deep. Very little hope for magic folk when everyone’s been brainwashed to distrust them, how could that circle ever break?

    I wonder when Morgana will reunite with Merlin, feels closer to that now than ever.

    Ooh, and interesting tidbits about how the release of magic energy works. Loved the analogy about filling the cup in a waterfall. Morgana has a lot to learn – and so do we?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So close but so far away, in more ways than one. The Scarborough chapters are drawing to a close, so you’ll know whether she stays behind or not very soon.

      How could it ever break, indeed. It definitely will not break without someone there to break it, at least.

      Lore takes a bit of a backseat to all the political bullsh*t that’s going on, but I do like sprinkling it in here and there! I’m glad you enjoyed it. ^^


  3. Morgana has truly lived life dangerously until now. Her overly unbridled abilities explain why she was so close to dying.
    All the witches seem so loving and kind and it is easy to understand why Morgana has been so attracted to them. She has found her equal and hopefully Monoroe can teach her to adapt her abilities.

    Your description of Arthur and Guinevere. You can almost feel the air vibrate with retained energy around them.
    Arthur seriously questions his preconceived notions.
    I pray that their mutual love is great enough to overcome all obstacles.💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She really has, in more ways than one. But if you don’t teach someone how to protect themselves from fire, they will end up getting burned. Luckily, she’s found others like her to help and teach her before the damage became too bad.

      The two have grown closer during their time together, but both of them have a lot of growing to do still. Poor Arthur is really trying. But indoctrination and fear are difficult opponents to defeat.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So does this mean Morgana is indeed powerful with her deep well of power? Ah, interesting, looks like she’ll rise up the ranks quickly. 🙂 I do worry about her relationship with Arthur now, as he’s been taught from birth that witches are evil, whereas his own sister is one and wonders why the humans don’t understand. Agh, so much contradiction in their thinking! 😦

    As for Tyronoe being Guinevere’s mother, they do look very alike to each other (the eyes and hair color for example), if you minus the scars and magical tattoos, haha. I hope they’ll be reunited somehow, though that’d be too happy, would it? xD I do hope, though… 😦

    When will humans and magical beings live together in harmony? It might have to do with the Sidhe, but hopefully when Arthur becomes the king, he completely breaks through his notion that witches are evil, but I doubt that’ll happen without his sister. I wonder if Morgana will go back with him for that reason? 🙂 It’ll probably be selfless of her but I doubt anything good for her will come out of it. 😬

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe! We’ve already seen her do things that the average magic-user cannot, and shrug off things that she logically shouldn’t have. There’s definitely a rift between Arthur and Morgana in terms of opinions about magic, yes. Time will tell if that rift is mended or widened even further.

      Haha, you can always hope ^^

      He’s got people counting on him to change things, that’s for sure. Gawain wants him to make things better for commoners and let him be a knight, and Morgana wants him to make things better for magic users. In the end, though, it’s all about what Arthur himself wants…

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Aw my Arthur Guin ship. Now Arthur’s hurdle has become even bigger. What if Guin is a witch too? And will Guin be able to develop her magic abilities. With all that Tyronoe went through, does she still remember her daughter? Is it fear that made her stay in this safe place and not seek out Guin?

    I wondered if Sidhe are generally mischievous and neutral, or they possess ill-intent and are much more sinister. After last chapter of Nimueh gathering dark energy and what happened to Tyronoe, they are shifting more towards the dark side for me 😦 Shame. I was mesmerised by Nimueh.

    Also reading this chapter, I can’t help but think of what we discussed about Athena and Morgana should they ever cross paths.

    I wonder if Morgana’s darkness at the end of the chapter will consume her. She already has a coldness towards her dad. If she loses Gawain and Arthur, there might be no humans left redeemable in her eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The ship hasn’t sunk just yet, but there’s definitely a couple of obstacles to avoid – or overcome! I’m afraid that answering any of those questions would be giving you spoilers, which I’m advised against doing by Mr. Bickers. =D

      I see the story’s Fae as a whole as all of those things, possibly all at the same time. And whether they’re nice, helpful, malefic, neutral, friendly or downright horrid to you completely depends on circumstances that often have nothing to do with you personally, and more with you being in the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time.

      That is still in the back of my head, too! I can’t wait to find out more about Athena to see what Morrie would think, and I’m very curious how your Athena would react to future events. Gah, it’s such a shame that their universes are too different for a crossover because that would be a dream come true. ❤ . ❤

      No, don’t drag my cinnamon roll into this! xD Gawain is precious and sweet and will never ever be harmed ever.
      *checks notes* Oh, right. Damn.


  6. Morgana can cast taxing spells like that without breaking a sweat because she’s an absolute BAMF of a sorcerer, Monoroe 😛 Ohh okay so she’s accidentally using too much of her magic power? Now she has someone who can properly teach her magic in a safe place where she won’t get killed for it. Bless < 3

    Oh gosh, Arthur having to admit what would have happened to Gwen's mother…Her naivety is probably why she's so kind and sweet, but at the same time, it may end up hurting her in the long run. I see that in a way, his father's teachings are still there in the back of his mind in ways. And her mother's grave isn't there…

    Those deer! They look just like the Dragon Age Halla, is that where they're ripped from? ;o; ''And it is very easy to turn against the source of your fear.' I love this line because of how true it is to people IRL. That which people do not know (or can't be bothered to try to understand) people come to fear, and then hate. For all that she did, she burned, all because they didn't understand. I did like the affinity with fire though, and making a deal with it so it cannot hurt her. Still, when it comes to the Sidhe, there's usually a catch to every deal.

    'Human beings hate what they fear. And more than anything, they fear what they do not understand.' Yes, hitting the nail on the head there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Morgana can cast taxing spells like that without breaking a sweat because she’s an absolute BAMF of a sorcerer, Monoroe”
      She was. Millicent never taught her proper control, and Merlin didn’t know what he was doing back then either. Since then she’s only had herself to teach, and it’s easy to make mistakes when you don’t know you’re doing it wrong.

      Arthur has a very tall hurdle to overcome when it comes to magic, if he can overcome it at all. A lifetime of indoctrination is not a simple thing to unlearn.

      They are! They’re not the same as the DA Halla here, but they were too perfect not to include In the story. I also have a gigantic magic toad with its derpy tongue out, but the Halla looked better 🤭 And you’re right – there is always a catch. It’s part of the game for them.

      If more people would make an effort to understand that which they fear, I think the world (both ToC and the real world) would be a very different place. Maybe we’ll get it right someday.

      Liked by 1 person

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